I can't believe this haha nostaljik banaa...
I 'curi' this pic from Noh Madali facebook...To Mr Noh, if u happen to read this, do join us in frenzkafe..send me email buddy
For those who already hilang ingatan, youngsters in the pic: Muqit, Masliza, Hjh Em, Anne, Sidah, Haslin and the guy at the back, no other than Mr Noh..yea Noh Tinggi ..u r rite (assistant head boy)
Question: bahapa ni belawa2 di MD ani?
Answer : lawa jua aku dulu atu ah..
Question : u r not answering my question..
Answer : :P'
to see the rest of the pics our MD94/95 logon to Facebook and add Mr Noh hehe..opss
salah...search for MD 94